- Flagge zeigen im Indo-Pazifik
Christian Schultheiss joins Jennifer Johnston, ARD Singapore, to talk about the voyage of the frigate ‘Baden-Württemberg’ to the Indo-Pacific. Published in an Tagesschau online article, 10 October 2024. - „Sicherheitsgarantien nur gegen Gegenleistung“: Wie Trump die Nato in der Hand hätte
Carolyn Moser provides Peter Sieben with an expert assessment of the military dependence of Europe on the USA within NATO. Originally published in an online article in Frankfurter Rundschau, also appeared in Münchner Merkur, HNA, FNP and other portals, 14 August 2024. - ‘Opportune’ timing: Why the Philippines is filing a seabed bid in the South China Sea, and the likely outcome, Christian Schultheiß talks to a CNA Reporter about how the UN is unlikely to support the Philippines‘ claims for an extended continental shelf in the South China Sea. Published in an online article by Wong Woon Shin, 13 July 2024.
- Ukraine, Moscou, Bruxelles, OTAN… La situation en France trouble le jeu
Security expert Carolyn Moser talks to Stéphanie Fontaine about the potential impact of a change of power in France on European politics, particularly in the area of defense. Published in French in Trombinoscope 293, July 2024. - Armement : les industriels au défi de la guerre en Ukraine
Carolyn Moser provides Karina Chabour with an expert assessment of the challenges facing the arms industry in the wake of the war in Ukraine in “La semaine de l’éco”, broadcasted by France 24 on 22 June. A video recording is available here (in French). - Comment relancer le moteur franco-allemand ?
Carolyn Moser gives Euronews an insightful commentary on the evolution of Franco-German relations in the context of the war in Ukraine and the approaching European elections. Published in French in an online article and a video explainer by Amandine Hess on 5 May 2024 - Die EU muss sich rüsten
Carolyn Moser shares her insights with Michaela Hutterer in an expert interview on the necessity of revisiting security and defence in Europe, Newsroom of the Max Planck Society (4/2024) - Sicherheitsvereinbarung mit Ukraine: Das steckt dahinter
Security expert Carolyn Moser speaks to the regional public broadcaster in Bavaria, Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), on the bilateral security agreement with Ukraine, published in an online article by Barbara Kostolnik on 16 February 2024 - Iran in Anschlagspläne verwickelt: Terror im Auftrag Teherans
Lukas Märtin shares his expertise with TAZ journalist Jean-Philipp Baeck, published in an online article on 21 December 2023 - Terrorlistung von Irans Revolutionsgarde:Hinters Rechtsgutachten geduckt
Lukas Märtin provides expert input to TAZ journalist Jean-Philipp Baeck, published in an online article on 18 December 2023 - Wie passen das Haushaltsurteil und der Klimabeschluss zusammen?
Lukas Märtin’s critique of the budget judgement is mentioned in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). Published in an online article by Katja Gelinsky on 29 November 2023 - Mehr als bloß überleben: Welche Sicherheitsgarantien kann Deutschland der Ukraine geben?
Security expert Carolyn Moser speaks to Der Tagesspiegel about the dangers of Europe’s current security dependence on the US. Published in an online article (in German language) by Olga Konsevych on 27 November 2023 - Course aux armements : les États-Unis raflent la mise
Carolyn Moser provides expert insights to Karina Chabour in the TV programme ‚La semaine de l’éco‘, broadcasted by France 24 on 17 November 2023. Available as video recording (in French language) - Un avis d’extradition envoyé par courrier aux ressortissants ukrainiens en Irlande ? C’est faux.
Carolyn Moser gives expert input on the potential extradition of Ukrainian citizens by Ireland to Agence France-Presse (AFP). Published in an online article on 18 September 2023. - „L’Europe de la défense“ cruxifiée par la guerre en Ukraine?
Carolyn Moser gives an expert interview to Bastien Boname for the French online magazine C’actus, published in an in-depth article on European defence industrial matters on 26 September 2023 - EU Security and Defence in a New Geopolitical Era
In an episode of the Max Planck Lawcast, Carolyn Moser discusses with Christopher Murphy security and defence in the European Union (EU), with a particular focus on the transformative impact of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. The podcast is available here. - Les touristes russes n’ont-ils vraiment plus le droit de venir en Europe avec une voiture ou un téléphone ?
Carolyn Moser shares expert insights into the legal aspects of the recent European sanctions imposed on Russia, particularly regarding the potential impact on Russian citizens travelling to the European Union with the French news service Libération. Published in an online article on 14 September 2023. - VerfassungsPod #3: Verfassung im Krieg
Carolyn Moser provides input as an expert to the podcast of Jochen Schlenk and Maximilian Steinbeis on the rules and regulations regarding German (and European) defence, available here. - Zeitenwende in Europa
Carolyn Moser gives an expert interview to Julia Weigelt (NDR) about the geopolitical awakening of Europe and the EU in the wake of the Russian war on Ukraine for the NDR Info Podcast „Streitkräfte und Strategien“ (armed forces and strategies), broadcasted on 19th September 2022, available here (in German language).